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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust


All pupils study Ethics, which incorporates PSHE, RSHE, and Religious Education.


Ethics helps pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.


PSHE is taught in schools to teach children on the qualities and troubles they may face in their lives and advice on how to deal with these appropriately and effectively whilst remaining safe and secure. By knowing this, it prepares them physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and intellectually for the future.

Religious Education 

Religious Education is taught at Meadowhead as part of the Ethics curriculum. Most weeks students will study Religious Studies for one of their two hours of Ethics lessons. Families do have the right to withdraw students for the religious element of the Ethics curriculum. Please discuss this with your child’s Ethics teacher in the first instance. Families would be expected to provide their own resources for their child to use in a separate classroom during the withdrawal from lessons.


Most of the RSHE curriculum is taught within the Ethics curriculum and lessons - for further information click here

Please click the hyperlinks to access the knowledge organisers

Key Stage 3 (Y7-Y9) - PSHE and RSE focus

Teacher 1


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Term 1

Welcome to Meadowhead 

The Science of Happiness 


The Equality Act and Inclusivity 

Drugs Education Crime


Assessment Knowledge retrieval and application Knowledge retrieval and application Knowledge retrieval and application
Term 2

Health and Puberty

Staying Safe 

Mental Health and Wellbeing


The Criminal Justice System 

Human Rights

Assessment Knowledge retrieval and application Knowledge retrieval and application Knowledge retrieval and application
Term 3

Drugs Education


Building Resilience to Radicalisation



First Aid

Assessment Knowledge retrieval and application Knowledge retrieval and application Knowledge retrieval and application


Key Stage 3 (Y7-Y9) - Religious Studies focus

Teacher 2

Religious Studies

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Term 1

Religious Studies at Meadowhead

Religion and Worldviews

Festivals and Celebrations 




Strange but true  - evidence for life after death

Assessment Knowledge retrieval and extended writing Knowledge retrieval and extended writing Knowledge retrieval and extended writing
Term 2





Careers and Finance

Assessment Knowledge retrieval and extended writing Knowledge retrieval and extended writing Knowledge retrieval and extended writing
Term 3

Moral codes



Make a Difference 


Sources of Authority

Assessment Knowledge retrieval and extended writing Knowledge retrieval and extended writing Knowledge retrieval and extended writing


Key Stage 4 (Y10-Y11) - Ethics      

(go to  Religious Education  for the GSCE Religious Studies information)

  Year 10 Year 11
Term 1


Drugs and Health

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Careers (Sheffield Progress)

Assessment No formal assessments No formal assessments
Term 2

Gangs and Murder

Careers (CV Writing)

Relationships and Sex Education

A Level Subjects: Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology

Assessment No formal assessments No formal assessments
Term 3

Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education

Assessment No formal assessments No formal assessments


Useful Websites