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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust


Our Vision

Our MFL curriculum is designed to ensure that Meadowhead students:

  • Understand and respond to spoken and written language;
  • Speak and write with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say;
  • Recognise and use grammatical rules and a range of vocabulary to communicate effectively; and
  • Discover and develop an appreciation of foreign languages and other cultures.

We want every student at Meadowhead School to experience the fun and satisfaction of a foreign language. Being able to communicate in another language opens up doors to a wider range of better-paid jobs, new friends, and a more understanding world view. The future needs open-minded, forward-thinking, more tolerant linguists.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart” - Nelson Mandela, South African politician and Nobel Peace Prize laureate

“You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once” – Czech proverb

Please click the hyperlinks to access the knowledge organisers

Key Stage 3 (7-9)

  Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Term 1

All about me

Talking about my name + age

Talking about birthday

Talking about my appearance

All about my family

Saying who is in my family and their ages

Describing my family (physical description)

Describing my family (personality)


Knowledge Organisers:

HT 1 - My name, birthday, appearance

HT 2 - My family

My Town

Describing where I live

Asking for directions and saying where I’m going

Say what you can do in my town


Famous sites in Barcelona

Things to do in Barcelona

Planning a visit


Knowledge Organisers:

HT1 U1 - Where do you live?

HT1 U2 - What is there in your city?

HT1 U3 - Where is?

HT2 U1 - Where will you go in Barcelona?

HT2 U2 - What are you going to do? What will it be like


Describing your family

Expressing opinions about family

Explaining why you get along with family

Explaining why you don’t get along

Qualities of a good friend

Future plans

Describing a person whom you admire

Knowledge Organisers: (to be updated Sept 23)

HT1 - How many people are in your family?

HT1 - What do you think of your family?

HT1 - Describe a person that you admire

HT2 - Do you get on well with your family?

HT2 - Who don't you get along with?

HT2 - What are the qualities of a good friend?

HT2 - What are your plans for the future?


Vocabulary tests.

Formative Listening

Summative  Reading and Grammar

Formative Writing and Summative Reading and Grammar

Formative speaking and

Summative writing
Term 2

All about my school

Talking about my subjects

Giving opinions about my subjects

Activities at school

What is in my pencil case

What I wear for school

Teacher language in the classroom.


Knowledge Organisers:

HT 3 & 4 - My school, subjects, activities


Saying where I will go and how long for

Weather and saying what I do

Using Present and Future tenses together

Research project on Spanish or Spanish speaking destination

Booking a hotel room

Describing my dream holiday

What will I put in my suitcase

Knowledge Organisers:

HT3 U1 - Where are you going on holiday?

HT3 U2 - What are you doing? What is the weather like?

HT3 U3 - What are you going to do?

HT4 U1 - Asking for a hotel room

HT4 U2 - My dream holiday

HT4 U3 - What will I put in my suitcase?

Free Time:

Music, TV, cinema, Intro preterite tense with just ver

Move onto AR and IR verbs in preterite with high frequency verbs

Transactional language in cinema.


Knowledge Organisers: to be updated Sept 23


Assessment Summative Writing and Grammar + Formative speaking Summative Writing and Grammar. Formative speaking. Reading and Listening
Term 3

All about my house

Talking about rooms in my house

Describing what’s in my room

Saying where things are

All about my free time

Saying what sports I play

Saying what sports I do

Learning about the Tour de France


Knowledge Organisers:

HT 5 - Where do you live, my home

HT 6 - sports


Saying what I have for breakfast

Shopping for food at the market

Saying what I like to eat / drink

Saying what you should eat / drink to be healthy

Spanish speciality foods

Ordering food in a restaurant

Knowledge Organisers:

HT5 U1 - What do you have for breakfast?

HT5 U2 -What do you want (shopping)?

HT6 U1 - What do you like (food)?

HT6 U2 Healthy food

HT6 U3 In the restaurant



Healthy Lifestyle

Diet, exercise, physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing.

Retrieval of 3 tenses

Transactional language in doctor’s surgery / chemists

Knowledge Organisers: to be updated Sept 23


Key Stage 4 (10-11) 

  Year 10 Year 11
Term 1

My town, School and uniform/clothes; Holidays and Tourism

Knowledge Organisers:

Unit 3.1, 3.3 Freetime

Unit 3.2 Food and Eating Out

Unit 5 Home and Town

Unit 9 School and Subjects

Unit 10 School Life 


Holidays and travel; Regions of Spain ; Environment and social issues

Knowledge Organisers:

Unit 7 Environment

Unit 8 Holidays and Tourism


Assessment Writing Trial exams – speaking, listening, reading, and writing
Term 2

Options post 16, Jobs and future plans; Healthy living

Knowledge Organisers:

Unit 6.2 Healthy Living

Unit 11 Future Plans and Education

Unit 12 Jobs, Career Choices, Ambitions

Recap of relationship, family and friends, Social media and festivals

Knowledge Organisers:

Unit 1.1 Me, family, friends - relationships

Unit 1.2 Me, family, friends - marriage and partnership

Unit 4 Festivals and Celebrations

Assessment Reading GCSE Speaking Exam
Term 3

Technology, use of mobile phones; work experience; exam practice

Knowledge Organisers:

Unit 2 Technology

Unit 6.1 Charity and Voluntary Work


Exam practice and revision.
Assessment Trial exams – speaking, listening, reading, and writing N/A

 Key Stage 5 (12-13)

  Year 12 and 13
Term 1 Traditional and modern values; cyberspace; Volver and Como agua para chocolate.
Term 2 Equal rights; Idols; regional identity
Assessment Trial exams – speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Term 3

Cultural heritage and Y13 revision

Launch IRP
Assessment Resit Trials


Useful websites;

Extra-curricular / enrichment

Trips and exchanges abroad,

Homework Support Club,

KS4 weekly revision sessions,

February and Easter holiday revision sessions