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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Health & Social Care L3

BTEC National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care (Level 3)

Key Stage 5 (Y12-13)

  Year 12 Year 13
Term 1

Unit 1- Human lifespan development
Growth and development across the life stages
Infancy-later adulthood
Supporting theories for growth and development across all life stages.
Linking theories of growth and development to case studies.

Unit 5 - Meeting individual care and support needs.
Anti-discriminatory and equality within the health and social care setting.
Importance of confidentiality within the health and social care setting.
Legislation and codes of conduct- their uses and importance.
Application of the above to case studies

Unit 2 - Working in Health and Social Care
Working with people with specific needs.
• Ill health
• Learning and physical disabilities
Altering working practices for inclusion.
Identifying and monitoring poor practice
Revision and long answer questions.

Unit 14 - Physiological disorders and their care
Research cause and effect of different physiological disorders.
• Endocrine system
• Nervous system
• Muscular-skeletal
• Circulatory system
• Cancer         


Assessment Unit 5 - Learning Aim A
assignment hand in- December
Unit 1- Continual assessment throughout lessons. Homework and class work used for peer/self-assessment.
End of topic test- December
Unit 14 - Learning Aim A hand in- December
Unit 2 - Continual assessment throughout lessons. Homework and class work used for peer/self-assessment.
Term 2

Unit 1- Human lifespan development
The factors affecting development
• Economic
• Psychological
• Biological
• Physical
• Environmental
• Social
The impact of these factors on development
The application of this impact on case studies.

Unit 5 - Meeting individual care and support needs.
Overcoming challenges
Managing information
Frameworks and their importance

Unit 2 - Working in Health and Social Care
Revision for external examination
Unit 14 - Physiological disorders and their care
Diagnosis of disorders
Lumbar punctures/biopsy/medication/surgical
Assessment Unit 5 - Learning Aim B hand in – January
Unit 5 - Learning Aim C hand in – February
Unit 1- Continual internal assessments within lessons. End of topic test April
Unit 14 - Learning aim B hand in- February 
Unit 2 - External examination January
Term 3
Unit 1- Human lifespan development
Life events- Predictable and unpredictable
Effects of aging
Focus on long answer questions
Unit 5 - Meeting individual care and support needs.
Local health boards/ Social Care boards
Relating theory to case study
Assignment work/catch up
Unit 2- Working in Health and Social care
The roles and responsibilities of people who work in HSC.
Unit 14 - Physiological disorders and their care
Developing treatment plans for individuals including personalisation.
Understanding the cycle of care planning.
Assessment Final hand in of Unit 5 assignment- April 
External Examination Unit 1- June
Unit 14 - Hand in of Learning Aim C- March
Unit 14 - Hand in of Learning Aim D- April
Unit 2 Resit - June