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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Btec Dance Level 2

Key stage 4 (Y10-11) 

  Year 10 Year 11
Term 1

Component 1

Students will be introduced to three professional dance works.  They will study the meaning behind the choreography, the stimulus and the purpose of the pieces.  They will experience executing the choreography.

Component 2 cont.

Analysis of own development

Write up of logbooks assessing strengths and weaknesses of practical progress.

Assessment Internally assessed Pearson Set Assignment in supervised conditions
Internally assessed Pearson Set Assignment in supervised conditions.
30% of the final grade.
Term 2
Component 1 cont.
Using their knowledge and practical experience gained in term 1 students will begin to complete their written reports analysing one of the professional dance works linking to a theme set by the exam board.

Component 3

Students have to choreograph and perform to an audience. Their dance piece is a group dance which has to link to a theme given by the exam board.

Internally assessed Pearson Set Assignment in supervised conditions.
30% of the final grade.

Externally assessed
40% of the final grade

Term 3

Component 2

Students will participate in a number of workshops learning phrases of movement in a particular style. Students will be required to show refinement of skills and techniques, a positive approach to workshops and demonstrate initiative and teamwork through rehearsals.

Assessment Internally assessed Pearson Set Assignment in supervised conditions