Y7 Assessment
The timetable for the second Year 7 Assessment Week is published below, to support you and your child in preparing for these assessments.
Year 7 Assessment Week 2 (12th May – 16th May 2025)
7A 7B 7C 7D
P1 |
P2 |
P3 |
P4 |
P5 |
Mon |
Maths P1 |
English |
Tue |
Maths P2 |
Wed |
German |
Thu |
History |
Fri |
Science |
Geography |
7E 7F 7G 7H
P1 |
P2 |
P3 |
P4 |
P5 |
Mon |
Maths P1 |
English |
Tue |
History |
Maths P2 |
Wed |
French |
Thu |
Geography for group (3) * |
Science |
Fri |
Geography |
7I 7J 7K 7L
P1 |
P2 |
P3 |
P4 |
P5 |
Mon |
Maths P1 |
Tue |
Maths P2 |
Spanish |
Wed |
Geography |
Thu |
Science |
History |
Fri |
English |
Subject |
Year 7 AW2 Information |
English |
A quiz on the vocabulary and poetry information on the knowledge organiser and some analytical writing on Island Man OR Nettles |
French |
A written assessment which will test students’ knowledge of spelling, grammar and vocabulary, translation into French and an extended writing task in French HT1: Describing myself HT2: Describing my family HT3 and 4: My school |
Geography |
Section A – Short answer questions to test understanding of key vocabulary from current and previous units. Section B – Short answer questions closed and open questions testing place knowledge of continents and oceans, knowledge of the biosphere and lithosphere, knowledge of population. There will be one longer extended writing question on each topic and one skills question (graphs/maps/photograph/numeracy) Unit 1 – What do you know about the world? Place knowledge and world map skills. Unit 2 – What is planet earth like? The biosphere (Ecosystems and biomes) Unit 3 – How are populations changing? Population change, distribution and management. Unit 4 – What is the lithosphere and how is it shaped? Rocks, weathering, erosion and rivers. |
German |
A written assessment which will test students’ knowledge of spelling, grammar and vocabulary, translation into German and an extended writing task in German HT1: Describing myself HT2: Describing my family HT3 and 4: My school |
History |
20 knowledge questions (multiple choice) 10 key words gap fill 10 dates for chronology 4 knowledge questions – 4 marks each, extended answers on topics of Medieval World and Black Death |
Maths (2 papers) |
Paper 1 covers the essentials (1 hour) Paper 2 covers fluency or depth (30 – 45 minutes) The content of the papers covers all of the topics studied this year and will be shared with students and families before the assessments. |
Science |
A 45 – minute written assessment paper covering: Ecosystems, Plant reproduction, Acids and Alkalis Metals and Non-Metals, Forces Introduction, Forces and motion |
Spanish |
A written assessment which will test students’ knowledge of spelling, grammar and vocabulary, translation into Spanish and an extended writing task in Spanish HT1: Describing myself HT2: Describing my family HT3 and 4: My school |