Uniform/dress code
Meadowhead School Uniform
At Meadowhead, our dress code (available in full as a PDF at the foot of this page) and uniform is based on the following clear principles:
Smart – Students should attend school in a uniform that helps signify to themsleves and others that school is a working environment. It also helps students meet the expectations of dress codes they may later encounter in work.
Safe - A student’s uniform should keep them safe and comfortable throughout the school day and for all lessons on their timetable. It also helps safeguard all of the school community by being a clear sign of their right to be inside the school’s building.
The Same – Our uniform reduces the impact of economic inequality: it reduces family spending by removing pressure to buy the latest brands. It treats all students the same regardless of any characteristics such as sex, faith or ethnicity. It is also sustainable as our required items are hardwearing and durable. Students should be proud to wear the uniform and act as an ambassador for their school.
This code applies to students in Y7-Y11, the Sixth Form dress code is published separately in the Sixth Form section of our website.
“School uniform supports effective teaching and learning and engenders a positive, calm and respectful teaching and learning environment.”
(Department for Education)
The continued support from families in maintaining high standards of uniform at Meadowhead is greatly appreciated and if you require further clarification on uniform standards please contact your child’s Head of Year or Pastoral Manager.
This is the School Dress Code:
- Black sweatshirt with school logo.
- Black or white polo shirt with school logo.
- Plain black trousers or skirt (with dark black tights).
(No jeans, jogging trousers, leggings, shorts or cut offs and no stripes or logos).
- Plain black leather or leather-look shoes – these may be trainer in design, but must be leather-look, with no logos or coloured lines.
- Permitted jewellery: a single pair of stud earrings, a single nose stud, a single wristwatch. Hooped earrings, bracelets and neckchains are not permitted as they are not safe or smart enough for school.
- Make-up: minimal make-up and neutral nail varnish to maintain a smart appearance. False nails and acrylics are not permitted as they are not safe or comfortable for students to wear to school.
- Hairstyle: maintain a smart hairstyle. Hair dye and braid colours should either be the school’s colours of black or white, or a natural colour (such as brown, ginger, blonde). This does not need to be the student’s own natural hair colour. Non-natural hair dyes and braid colours such as blue, pink and bright red are not permitted.
- Wear smart and safe head or hair coverings as required for religious or protective reasons. These must be worn securely to the head and body, and must be in black, white or neutral colours. Hats, caps and hooded tops must not be worn.
- Meadowhead is a Halo Code school and is firmly committed to an inclusive approach to all hair types. We recognise that afro-textured hair requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance and as such hair worn in styles such as afros, locs, braids and wraps are permitted as long as they meet the above.
PE Kit - for full details click here
For PE students will be required to wear:
- Meadowhead black PE T-shirt with logo
- A branded outdoor item: green rugby shirt, zipped top or hooded top.
- Black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms (no logo) or black sports leggings (no logo).
- Boots or trainers (outdoor sports) or clean trainers (indoor sports).
- All jewellery should be removed.
Meadowhead School Uniform can be ordered from Logo Leisurewear on their website via the following link:
- Collection from Logo Leisurewear warehouse
- Delivery to your home address is £6.50
- Free delivery to school - Term Time only (current pupils only, not Y6s joining in September - Logo Leisurewear will deliver to the primary schools)
Logo Leisurewear's telephone number is: 0114 251 1171
A paper order form can be printed (at the foot of this page) and are also available from the school finance office if you prefer not to order online.

Second hand uniform is available through our school student services and this will be provided free of charge, whilst stocks are available.
Please visit our School Reception to enquire around availability and sizing.
Donations of uniform which your child has outgrown are welcome and can be left at our school reception. Thank you!