Consequences and Sanctions
Any student breaking our rules will be issued a corresponding sanction. Sanctions may be issued for student behaviour off the school site – please see page 17 of the Behaviour Policy for more information.
Our Sanctions Structure
As a school we always seek to reinforce and reward positive effort, attitude and behaviour. At Meadowhead these attributes are consistently demonstrated by the vast majority of students. However, if a student misbehaves or fails to produce satisfactory work in relation to their ability, various sanctions called Consequences (C) will be used.
Disruptive behaviour in the classroom is dealt with as follows:
Classroom |
Stage 1 |
Verbal warning |
Stage 2 |
Second verbal warning Name on board and C1 issued |
Stage 3 |
Final verbal warning Name on board and ticked. C2 issued Teacher holds a same day Restorative Conversation (RC) after school with student. Non-attendance= Teacher sets a 30 minute next day C3 detention (recorded on ClassCharts) |
Stage 4 |
C3 issued by class teacher (30 minute next day detention) On call alerted, leading to removal from classroom to faculty behaviour room Teacher provides work for the student to complete C3 reflection sheet to be completed by student Failure to attend a C3 will result in a 45 minute Senior Team detention on a Thursday at 2:45pm (effective from March 2025 - further details at the bottom of this page) |
Stage 5 |
Refusal to attend faculty behaviour room or removal from faculty behaviour room. Student taken to the re-set room (SLT/HOY) |
Stage 6 |
Any student with 3 referrals to the re-set room in one week will spend a full day in the ISR (Internal Suspension Room) |
Teachers are asked to record the relevant consequence (C1, C2 or C3) on class charts at the end of the lesson to avoid duplication of behaviour points.
Stage 7- The Red Line
Serious breaches of school behaviour policy will be considered as crossing the red line. Such breaches will result in one of the following actions: internal suspension, fixed term suspension, governor panel or permanent exclusion.
Examples of red line behaviours include: swearing at staff, fighting/violence, bringing a banned item to school, persistent truancy, repeatedly not following instructions, repeatedly disrupting the learning of others or bringing the school into disrepute.
Failure to attend RC = parents contacted by class teacher and 30 minute C3 detention issued for the next day after school. Refusal to attend C3= Referral to ISR made by HOY
C1s are given to any student who arrives late to a lesson after registers have been taken. Any 3 ‘lates’ to school will result in a next day C3 detention. Each day pupils will have a uniform and equipment check carried out by their morning tutor. Any missing items of uniform or equipment will result in a C1. Being sent out for extreme behaviour results in an automatic C3 detention. C3 detentions can be given for other breaches of school rules such as:
*parents may be charged for any damage caused to school property
Parents will be notified of a C3 detention by either a text or email (depending on contact details shared with the school by parents/carers). Parental consent is not required for detentions but the information is always shared.
(C3) Detentions
These will be held every evening on year corridors. C3 detention starts at 2:45pm and ends at 3:15pm.
Students will work, in silence, for the duration of their detention and complete a ‘reflections’ sheet.
Any student who fails to attend C3 without a valid reason will be placed in the internal suspension room (ISR) for the next school day and will sit the missed C3 detention after school that evening.
Any student who refuses to enter the ISR or who misbehaves in the ISR may receive a suspension from school.
(C4) Internal Suspension Room
The internal suspension room (ISR) is fully equipped with appropriate work for all subjects across the Key Stages. Students in the ISR will not be permitted to take part in breaks or lunchtimes with their peers. Examples of behaviour which could lead to internal suspension (in addition to those described above):
- threatening behaviour
- truancy from lessons
- bullying
- repeated disruption to the learning process
- behaviour deemed to undermine the good order of the school
- smoking/vaping or being in the company of smokers
- vandalism
- swearing
- rudeness to staff
- fighting
- deliberate disobedience
- non-compliance with school uniform requirements
- failure to attend a C3
- leaving site without permission
March 2025
We are introducing a new sanction, the Senior Team detention, as part of our graduated response to behaviour. This is a phased process and will begin with Year 10 students.
We want to ensure standards are high and that students make the most of the opportunities in school. Whilst the majority of students behave and do well in school, we have sanctions in place when expectations are not met.
C3 detentions are given when there is a significant or repeated breach of the code of conduct:
- Poor behaviour in a lesson or at social time;
- More than 3 lates to school or a lesson;
- Truancy from a lesson;
- Sharing a toilet cubicle, refusal to hand over a mobile phone or being out of bounds.
There will be one opportunity to attend the C3 detention. Previously, we have offered a second chance.
Failure to attend a C3 will result in a 45 minute Senior Team detention on a Thursday at 2:45pm.
Failure to attend this will result in an Internal Suspension and a parental meeting. This is our most serious sanction before an external suspension.
You will receive communication from ClassCharts on the day the detention is issued and you will receive a text message on the day of the detention.
We thank you for your support in helping us maintain high standards within school.