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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Work Experience Y10

From 7 -11 July 2025, Year 10s will spend a week gaining experience of the workplace. 

Work experience is just one of a series of employer encounters that Meadowhead students can expect throughout their time at school. We offer these opportunities to give students an insight into what work is like and what they need to be successful in the workplace.

The benefits

  • To test out job ideas
  • Learn what they like (and don’t like)
  • Learn how things work in the workplace
  • Develop skills they’ll need at work
  • Have something to talk about on a CV, application form or at interview
  • Make them stand out
  • Meet people who could help them in future.

While it can be beneficial for the experience to be linked to a student’s career plans, this isn’t always possible, so please don’t worry about it being their ‘dream job’, particularly in Y10; there will be further opportunities for work experience post-16 and beyond.

Key Dates

Arranging the placement in good time allows us to carry out all the necessary arrangements and checks. We ask Y10 students to arrange their work experience and complete the Unifrog Placement Tools paperwork before 28 March 2025. Other schools also go out on work experience during the same week in July, so making contact early often produces the best results. 

A number of our students have gained part-time jobs, apprenticeships and other opportunities as a direct result of work experience. Most students in Years 11, 12 and 13 include skills they have developed on work experience in their CVs and post-16 or post-18 applications.

A short preparation programme takes place before students go out on their placement.  This includes information on health and safety at work.

Students will receive information and support with the process at school, as well as all paperwork required.

For full information, please open the documents at the foot of this page.

Please go to the sixth form page for information specific to Y12.


‘I learnt a lot throughout this experience. The more I have been here the more confidence I have developed with myself and getting to know the kids. I enjoyed meeting everyone and just being in an environment with the staff and the kids. They were all really lovely.’ Birk Hill Infant & Nursery School

‘I enjoyed talking to everyone that worked there and was surprised by how confident I was. They even offered me a job for when I turn 16.’ Doubletree Hilton Hotel


‘Isaac has been punctual, polite and well turned out all week. He has worked in all areas of the business from manufacture to sales, marketing to accounts and has hopefully experienced a broad range of roles in his time with us. Thank you Isaac.’ Twisted Automotive

‘She has been wonderful! Brilliant with customers, and always finds a little job to do if it goes quiet. She’s been confident with cash handling and taking card payments. She’s been on time every day and worked really hard right up until the shop shuts. I’ve enjoyed working with her.’ Ruth’s Kitchen
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