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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust


Our Vision

Our English Curriculum is designed to ensure that Meadowhead students:

  • Know and understand a rich and diverse range of challenging literature
  • Know and understand the patterns, history and diversity of English
  • Develop independent and critical responses to texts
  • Create engaging, interesting and accurate texts
  • Articulate their views and engage in meaningful discussion and debate

English at Meadowhead combines reading of the word and reading of the world. Through the texts we read, students will travel to different places, cultures, perspectives and traditions. In responding to these texts, they will become confident communicators in writing and speech.

Please click the hyperlinks (blue text) to access the knowledge organisers

Key stage 3 (7-9)


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Term 1

Transition Unit

Roots of Western Literature

The Art of Writing

Poetry: Who We Are - People and Identity

History of Language 

The Tempest

DEAL: Welcome to Nowhere (changing for 2025-6)

Modern Drama: Blood Brothers 

Poetry: What We Are -Being Human

Purple Hibiscus


‘The Art of Writing’ assessment:

Using rhetoric to write a speech, letter or an article.

Assessment Week 1: ‘History of Language’ (45 minutes in total)

Section A: A quiz on content (10mins) (vocabulary, Invaders, Innovators and Inventors)

Section B: A piece of opinion writing in response to a statement (35mins)

‘Poetry’ assessment: Creative task with commentary

Term 2:

Poetry: Who We Are – People and Identity

19th Century Literature

Modern Novel: Bone Sparrow

Poetry: Where We Are – The World Around us

Modern Novel: A Monster Calls

Our Sheffield

Rebel Voices

Creative Writing


Assessment Week 1: ‘Roots of Western Literature’:

A 20-question quiz based on the texts you and a detailed written description of a place.

Assessment Week 2: ‘The Tempest’: A quiz on the context of the play and key quotations +

an extended writing question based on an extract from the play.

Assessment Week 1: ‘Blood Brothers’: a quiz on characters, quotes and key vocab followed by a choice of essay questions on the text

Term 3:

Drama: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

DEAL: Welcome to Nowhere

Dystopian Fiction

War of the Worlds

Fahrenheit 451

Language and Viewpoint

Black Flamingo


Assessment Week 2: Poetry response: A quiz and some analytical writing

Dystopian Fiction assessment: Writing Dystopia

‘The War of The Worlds’ assessment: Creative response
Assessment Week 2: ‘Our Sheffield’: Write a short story (or the opening to a story) about a Sheffielder


Key stage 4 (10-11)

  Year 10 Year 11
Term 1

Power and Conflict Anthology Poetry (Part 1 – Conflict)

Unseen Poetry

19th Century Novel: A Christmas Carol
Modern Novel: Lord of the Flies
Assessment Assessment Week 1: Anthology Poetry response (conflict)

Mock exams:

English Language Paper 1: Creative Explorations in Reading and Writing

English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and 19th Century Text

Term 2

Power and Conflict Anthology Poetry (Part 2 – Power)

English Language Paper 2: Non-Fiction


Assessment Spoken Language Presentation

Mock Exams:

English Language Paper 2: Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives

English Literature Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry
Term 3





Assessment Week 2: Pupils complete Section B Q5 of English Language Paper 2

Y10 Mock exams:

English Language Paper 2

English Literature Paper 1
Final exams


Key stage 5 (12-13)

English Literature


Year 12

Year 13

Term 1

Introduction to Modern Literature and Unseen Poetry


The Great Gatsby

The Handmaid’s Tale


Feminine Gospels


Section A: Test on Modern Times Unit  

Section B: Comparative essay on two poems

Paper 1: Unseen Poetry and Love Poetry/Gatsby

Paper 2: Unseen Prose

Term 2:

Love Poetry

A Doll's House

Revision of Y12 Content: Othello, Unseen Poetry, The Great Gatsby and Love Poems


Paper One: Othello, Gatsby and Love Poems, Unseen Poetry  

Paper Two: Feminine Gospels, Unseen Prose, The Handmaid’s Tale and A Streetcar Named Desire

Term 3:

 A Streetcar Named Desire

Unseen Prose

NEA drafting and development

Revision and Exam Preparation

Resit trials

Paper One: Othello, Gatsby and Love Poems, Unseen Poetry 

Paper Two: Feminine Gospels, Unseen Prose, The Handmaid’s Tale and A Streetcar Named Desire

Assessment Paper 1: Gatsby and Love poems  


English Language     (Paper 1 Knowledge Organiser, Paper Two Knowledge Organiser, Language Levels)


Year 12

Year 13

Term 1

Linguistic methods (grammar, mode, genre, graphology, lexis and semantics, pragmatics, discourse and structure)

Introduction to sociolinguistics

Language and Gender

Accent and Dialect

Child Language Acquisition (spoken) 

Language Change

Completion of NEA (Investigation and Original Writing)

Assessment Paper 1: Analysis  

Term 2:

Language and Social Groups

Language and Age

Language and Sexuality

Language and Occupation

Child Language Acquisition (reading and writing

World English


Paper 1: Meaning and representation in Language

Paper 1: Meaning and representation in Language

Term 3:

 Language and Ethnicity

NEA: Investigation

NEA: Original Writing  

Revision and exam preparation

Paper 1 Knowledge Organiser

Paper Two Knowledge Organiser

Language Levels

Resit trials

Paper 1: Meaning and representation in Language

Paper 1: Meaning and representation in Language

Assessment Full AS Paper 2  

Useful websites

Extra-curricular / enrichment

We are proud of our range of extra-curricular trips and visits. Over the last few years, our trips have included visits to see ‘Blood Brothers’, ‘Othello’, ‘King Lear’, ‘Lord of The Flies’, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, and ‘A Monster Calls’. We also welcome travelling theatre groups into school. Our multi-school creative writing project Everyone a Writer allows all students to submit work for publication in an annual anthology.

 A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol - performed by Quantum Theatre at Meadowhead

"Words are some of the most powerful and important things I know....Language is the tool of love and the weapon of hatred. It's the bright red warning flag of danger--and the stone foundation of diplomacy and peace." 

Ludwig Wittgenstein