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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Work Experience Y12

Y12 students will take part from 24 - 28 March 2025.  Sixth form students can also choose to take part in school holidays or on an ongoing basis for the equivalent of five days (as long as this is outside their timetabled lessons and tutor time).

We ask students to secure their work experience placements by end of December, wherever possible.

Meadowhead Sixth Form are using Unifrog ( to manage the administration of the work experience programme. This includes collecting information from the employer about their Risk Assessment and Health & Safety policy, as well as getting agreement from yourselves for the placement to go ahead.

The benefits

The many benefits of work experience include the opportunity to:

  • Test out and develop career ideas.
  • Apply skills in a work environment and develop a greater understanding of the workplace.
  • Evidence to talk about on a CV, application form or at interview in the future.
  • Help students to stand out in competitive application processes in future.
  • Develop a network of people who could help them in future.

A number of our students have gained part-time jobs, apprenticeships and other opportunities as a direct result of work experience. 

Students are encouraged to consider the sector they would like to work in and are expected to find placements themselves, with the support of parents/carers and the support of staff at school. This allows students to build essential skills for future employment (communication, initiative and resilience) and also means that they have control over how far they are prepared to travel, what type of industry they want to work in and so on.

For further details, please see the attachments at the foot of this page (this includes how we use the Unifrog system to manage the administration of the work experience programme)

We believe that all students should be able to undertake this experience. If you have any particular concerns with regard to your child taking part, please get in touch with the Careers team. (