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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Silent Focus

Week 3

Each podcast has 3 links for each episode, depending on your podcast platform preference: one link is for Vimeo (to watch), and the other two links are for Apple and Spotify (to listen).  At the foot of this page is a video which is shared in Form Time with our students.

Resource Type and Resource Link


 Study Hack Video "Silent Focus"

How many times have you heard your children tell you that they study better with music or the TV on? Here is why silent focus matters when studying in this short 'study hack' video for parents.

Podcast Episode "Silent Focus" 
(Vimeo - video version)

Dive a bit deeper into why silence during studying is so important for your child with this follow-up podcast episode.

Podcast Episode "Silent Focus"
(Apple Podcasts - audio)


Podcast Episode "Silent Focus"
(Spotify - audio)



This summary infographic outlines what happens if your child is listening to music whilst studying:

diagram of how listening to music whilst studying can be a distraction



Bonus Tip

This week's bonus tip for parents via 'From The Sidelines', breaking down the science behind how our children learn and study best:bonus tip infographic - clear of clutter

Video for Students: "Cut to Cover"


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