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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Textiles (KS4 and KS5)

KS4 Textiles Y10 - Y11 

(Scroll down for KS5 Textiles or click here to jump to KS5 Y12-13)

  Year 10 Textile Design Y11 Textile Design
Term 1

Coursework Assignment 1

Themes, techniques and processes will vary from group to group, but students will develop personal work showing evidence of the four Assessment Objectives. These require students to:

  • Develop ideas through investigations (including investigating the work of artists, designers, craftspeople)
  • Refine ideas through experimentation with techniques, media and processes
  • Record their own ideas, insights and observations
  • Present a personal and meaningful response.

Assignment 1 is teacher led and students will be introduced to a variety of ways of working. Students will experience many processes such as machine embroidery, garment construction, fabric printing, felting, and many other techniques, often through a workshop approach, and given tasks to work on to build their assignment and develop their skills.

Towards the end of the assignment, they are encouraged to develop more individual responses and outcomes.

Continue and complete Assignment 2.

Deadline for completion of all coursework is Christmas. Coursework (includes Assignment 1 and 2) is worth 60% of the GCSE grade


Assessment - teacher assessment of pieces of classwork and homework as the assignment progresses

Assessment - teacher assessment of pieces of classwork and homework as the assignment progresses.

MOCK EXAM in December, which requires students to work on final conclusions for Assignment 2
Term 2 Continuation of Assignment 1

Externally Set Assignment 

Students begin to work on their examined assignment, worth 40% of their grade. They choose from 7 starting points set by AQA and work through this as an assignment, building evidence for the 4 Assessment Objectives, which require students to:

  • Develop ideas through investigations (including investigating the work of artists, designers, craftspeople)
  • Refine ideas through experimentation with techniques, media and processes
  • Record their own ideas, insights and observations
  • Present a personal and meaningful response.

Development work for the Externally Set Assignment builds throughout January until April and is marked as part of their assessment.


Assessment - teacher assessment of pieces of classwork and homework as the assignment progresses.

Teacher assessment of the overall assignment on completion, using the GCSE Assessment Objectives

Coursework component work is assessed and moderated on completion.

Throughout the Externally Set Assignment, students are given feedback and guidance.
Term 3

Completion of Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Students begin their second coursework assignment. Although this begins in a structured way, students are encouraged to work more independently. Themes, techniques and processes vary and again, work is structured to build evidence of the GCSE Assessment Objectives (see above)

Conclusion of the Externally Set Assignment as students complete their personal responses in 10 hours of supervised time at the end of April.

Assessment Assessment - teacher assessment of pieces of classwork and homework as the assignment progresses. Externally Set Assignments are assessed and moderated on completion.



KS5 Textile Design Y12 - Y13

  Year 12 Textile Design Y13 Textile Design
Term 1

Topic 1 (Under the Microscope)

Workshops on the theme, focused around the texture and form:

  • Experimentation with paper, plastics, textiles, fibres and clay
  • Painting
  • Printmaking
  • Photography and digital editing
  • Sublimation
  • Constructed textiles


Students self initiated study alongside workshops:

  • investigating and analysing artists work
  • Further practical exploration of work initiated in workshops
  • Artist led experimentation

Presentation of work, assessment and reflection point.

Continue with Personal Investigations and accompanying essay.

Students are given feedback through reviews of individual development work throughout the term.


Feedback is given throughout the work this term.

On completion of all work, students are given written feedback and “working at” grades.

Individual tutorials support students throughout as work develops. Written guidance is provided for individuals from each tutorial.

Term 2

Topic 1 (students encouraged to develop the theme in their own way)

Experimentation and development as a result of artist research and practiced techniques of the previous term.  Students self initiated study alongside workshops:

  • investigating and analysing artists work
  • Further practical exploration of work initiated in workshops
  • Artist led experimentation


Presentation of work, assessment and reflection point.

Conclude the Personal Investigation presenting a personal response, to be completed by the end of January.


Begin the Externally Set Assignment in February.

Externally Set Assignment  

Students begin to work on their examined assignment, worth 40% of their grade. They choose from starting points set by AQA and work through this as an assignment, building evidence for the 4 Assessment Objectives, which require students to

  • Develop ideas through investigations (including investigating the work of artists, designers, craftspeople)
  • Refine ideas through experimentation with techniques, media and processes
  • Record their own ideas, insights and observations
  • Present a personal and meaningful response.

Feedback is given throughout the work this term.

On completion of all work, students are given written feedback and “working at” grades.

Individual tutorials support students throughout as work develops. Written guidance is provided for individuals from each tutorial.

Completed Personal Investigations are assessed on completion.

Term 3

Students begin their Personal Investigations. This is a significant and sustained practical investigation into a theme or idea chosen by them. The Personal Investigation is worth 60% of the A Level grade. Students are required to show evidence of the 4 Assessment Objectives. They must show evidence of:

  • Developing ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources
  • Refining work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and process
  • Recording ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses
  • Presenting a personal and meaningful response that realizes intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language

Students are given feedback through reviews of individual development work throughout the term.

The Externally Set Assignment culminates in 15 hours of supervised time in May. This is conducted in exam conditions.

Assessment Individual tutorials support students throughout as work develops. Written guidance is provided for individuals from each tutorial. Externally Set Assignment is assessed on completion.