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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Home/School Stories

We created this news page to keep you updated with all of the positive news stories and share some of the fantastic work and activities our students and their families have been involved in during the time school was only open to the children of keyworkers, due to the Coronavirus pandemic (March - July 2020)

The January/February lockdown is a little different as we are now delivering live lessons to students at home, following their normal school timetable.  There is still however many activities that the students are getting involved in and we are pleased to be able to share some here.

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  • 02/04/20

    Y7 enjoys using her Food Tech recipes

    A lovely smile from this Y7 who has been using her time wisely in her first week of remote learning.
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  • 02/04/20

    HFWB Fitness Challenges

    Our students have been busy responding to the fitness challenges set by the Health, Fitness & Wellbeing department, with lots of photo and evidence being sent in.  Well done everybody!
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