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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Home/School Stories

We created this news page to keep you updated with all of the positive news stories and share some of the fantastic work and activities our students and their families have been involved in during the time school was only open to the children of keyworkers, due to the Coronavirus pandemic (March - July 2020)

The January/February lockdown is a little different as we are now delivering live lessons to students at home, following their normal school timetable.  There is still however many activities that the students are getting involved in and we are pleased to be able to share some here.

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  • 27/04/20

    Scratch Game Challenge

    The KS3 ICT students were set the challenge of creating an game over Easter using the Scratch software.  We had a fantastic response with the students working really well on these and we are pleased to share some of them here.  We gave an R2 for all the students who submitted a game as a r...
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  • 27/04/20

    Getting Scientific at Home

    Students are not letting being kept away from the lab prevent them from experimenting. Scientific students have been keeping curious and running various investigations from their kitchens, dining rooms and back gardens. 
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  • 24/04/20

    Y8 news & feedback (week 5 of lockdown)

    Mr Cooper, Miss Price, Mrs Jackson and the rest of the Y8 team, as well as all staff at Meadowhead have been extremely grateful for the positive feedback from parents and students. It has been appreciative to know the hard work that is being put into the online learning is being beneficial for the s...
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  • 24/04/20

    Happy Friday from the PE Department 24.04.20

    Happy Friday everyone! We hope you are finding the PE challenges and home learning useful. The PE department’s challenge to ourselves was to create a message to tell all students how we feel. 
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  • 22/04/20

    Fantasy Bird Art and a 'Thank You' to the NHS

    Y7 and Y8 have been working on an imaginative art project at home to develop a Fantasy Bird. They have been researching their ideas and developing their art skills since the closure of the school and many of them have been sending in some wonderfully creative responses.
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  • 21/04/20

    “Things to do when you’re bored in lockdown”

    Take a look at this brilliant YouTube video, put together by friends George and Rudi (Y9s).  They worked really hard putting this video together - the boys collaborated to come up with the ideas, George animated it in its entirety and they recorded voice overs which George then edited to a...
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  • 21/04/20

    Sprint sessions, bike rides, design & technology, cooking and more!

    Mr Cooper (Head of Y8) received a lovely update from mum about the activities Alex in Y8 and his family have been doing this month: “Pre-planning all work , print outs, timetables with lots of sensory breaks and fresh air and physical activities- including daily Joe Wicks (everyday) sprint...
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  • 20/04/20


    As you might have seen on our main news story page, we are joining in this year's celebration of Shakespeare's birthday on 23rd April led by the Royal Shakespeare Company.  Students are getting creative and sharing their fun ideas on social media with the hashtag #shareyourshakespeare a...
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  • 20/04/20

    BBC Radio Sheffield Interview

    Listen to Mrs Grewal-Joy talk to BBC Radio Sheffield this morning on their Mid-morning show with Paulette Edwards, about how we are all coping and what school life is like now since the lock-down. The clip starts at 2:19:38
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  • 16/04/20

    The Fitness Challenges Continue!

    We are pleased to see more fitness challenge videos being posted on our Twitter account by our students.  You can see them on - for a taster watch this one from Alfie, Y8 student 
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  • 15/04/20

    Easter activities

    There were lots of creative and imaginative activities on offer over the two weeks of Easter, as the school stayed open for the children of key workers.  These included Mrs Kelly's session on decorating eggs German style and delicious baking with Mrs Shipston - flapjacks and cheese scones...
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  • 15/04/20

    Congratulations Mr Beigel!

    We are delighted to share some very special news and send our congratulations to Mr Beigel and his family on the safe arrival of their baby boy on Friday 10th April. He is absolutely gorgeous: he weighed 7lb 11oz, and the happy couple have decided to name him Nye, after Nye Bevan. "We thou...
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