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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Home/School Stories

We created this news page to keep you updated with all of the positive news stories and share some of the fantastic work and activities our students and their families have been involved in during the time school was only open to the children of keyworkers, due to the Coronavirus pandemic (March - July 2020)

The January/February lockdown is a little different as we are now delivering live lessons to students at home, following their normal school timetable.  There is still however many activities that the students are getting involved in and we are pleased to be able to share some here.

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  • 07/05/20

    Sheffield Learning Together - weekly supplement 07.05.20

    Learn Sheffield are working with partners across the city to produce this weekly Home Learning Supplement which will go out with the Star Newspaper every Thursday in May. You can access the supplement online too. 
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  • 06/05/20

    Some fine footwork and more from our students and their HFWB Challenges

    It has been great to see all the Instagram videos our students have been sending in - we have collected a few of them here....
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  • 06/05/20

    MFL Project Challenge

    This week in Modern Foreign Languages students get to choose a project and this is what two have done already -  we can’t wait to see more.......
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  • 05/05/20

    VE Day Preparations

    We are delighted with these early submissions for the VE Day History Challenge this week. Thank you to Imogen Walker 8C for her painted flags here.
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  • 05/05/20

    Wartime Carrot and Sultana Scones

    For anyone wanting a bit of inspiration for VE Day commemorations, we have put this week's Food Tech Challenge recipe for Wartime Carrot and Sultana Scones below. Here are some fab photos of one of our Y7 students making hers.
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  • 04/05/20

    VE Day Memories and the Meadowhead VE Day Challenge

    As we begin the lead up to VE Day on Friday 8th May, we would like to share this memory of VE Day which Ms Aitken's (one of our English teachers) mother has written. Mrs Joyce Spence was a teenager on 8th May 1945 and turned 90 years old in February 2020. 
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  • 04/05/20

    Technology Challenge - week 2

    This week it is Design Technology - we have some very talented and creative students and it was very hard to pick a top 3 from these challenges.  We hope you enjoy looking at these pictures of them.
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  • 01/05/20

    3 of the best - Y10 Chicken Skewer Challenge!

    Our Y10 Food Tech students had a challenge this week to cook chicken skewers - and they look very tasty! Well done to everyone who had a go ... here are three of the best:
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  • 30/04/20

    A great piece of HFWB homework!

    What a great piece of research this is from Rafy Sharpe Y8!  This is his Health, Fitness and Wellbeing homework and he has clearly worked hard on this:
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  • 29/04/20

    Selah & The Spades - Get Into Film

    Following her success last term interviewing the cast of Emma, which you can watch here: /news/?pid=663&nid=19&storyid=252 our budding Sixth Form journalist, Mie has conducted another interview, this time over Zoom! Watch Mie on the link below as she inter...
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  • 29/04/20

    KS3 Art project - Fantasy Birds

    Budding artists in Years 7-9 have been creating some really imaginative responses to a Fantasy Bird project set by the Art Department recently. Have a look at their beautiful work below. Well done everyone!
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  • 27/04/20

    Technology Challenge - week 1

    In Technology each week we are setting a challenge that alternates between a food challenge and a technology based challenge. Our first challenge was food, with each year group given a different recipe - Y7 burgers, Y8 quiche and Y9 Viennese fingers.
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