Netball Success
Our U12 Netball team are 4th in Yorkshire! The team played their heart out! Well done to Hannah Hibberd Y7 who was captain of the team.
Congratulations to Eve Sambrook Y8 who had a full day trial for Loughborough Lightening U15 Netball Academy. Eve played in many positions and made the team! Well done!! (click image to read more)
Our U12 Netball team are 4th in Yorkshire! They won 9 out of their 12 games and all had an amazing team spirit, each one of them played their heart out. Well done to Hannah Hibberd Y7 who was captain of the team all day and supported the girls through each game on and off court. Excellent achievement, well done!!
Congratulations to Eve Sambrook Y8, Minnie Hamilton Y9 and Ruby Mackenzie Y9 who all had a successful trial for Loughborough Lightening U15 Netball Academy. Well done girls!!