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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

World Book Day 2025

student with book on world book day

It was Thumbs Up to Reading as we celebrated World Book Day yesterday.  It was great to see so many of our students take part in recognition of the power of reading – it can be truly transformational.

Y7 students had their photo taken with a book against a green screen, with backgrounds added afterwards, as well as having a go at a quiz which included finding out what their teachers are reading. 

Y8s joined in with a 'Thumbs Up to Reading' photo at breaktime.   

Students in Y7, Y8 and Y9 are all encouraged to join our Readathon with Read for Good (a sponsored read to get books to children in hospital) which launched this week.

Some of our sixth form students visited Bradway Primary school to help with their book fair. The students enjoyed visiting their primary school and were described by staff as polite, positive and hard-working.





Sixth form students at Bradway Primary School

Sixth form students at Bradway Primary School

Sixth form students at Bradway Primary School

Sixth form students at Bradway Primary School