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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Washington DC History Trip 2025

Over the February half-term, we took 29 Y12 and Y13 History students to Washington D.C. to see various sights relevant to their course, including the Washington and Lincoln Memorials, the White House, the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian Museum of African American history.

The students were a credit to themselves and the school, and also enjoyed sampling American culture and food.


photo of sixth form students near the capitol building Washington DC

Near the Capitol Building

photo of sixth form students near Union Station Washington DC

Outside Union Station

photo of sixth form students at the Smithsonian Washington DC

Outside the Smithsonian Museum of African American History

photo of sixth form students at the Smithsonian Washington DC

Outside the Smithsonian Museum of African American History

photo of sixth form students inside Union Station Washington DC

Inside Union Station