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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Meadowhead Community Learning Trust Changes

We are proposing some key changes to our Meadowhead Community Learning Trust - thousands of young people have benefited from the work of the Trust over the last 13 years, and while small in size and funding, it has improved their life chances through a wealth of work-related opportunities and community projects.

The Trust's core mission will be unchanged: to improve the life-chances and opportunities of the young people who attend Meadowhead and feeder primary schools by encouraging collaboration. It will continue to provide small grants to relevant projects as well as funding towards annual projects such as Everyone a Writer, the Trust Choir and employer engagement events such as work experience and mock interviews.

The key changes are:

  • A new name which is proposed to be Meadowhead Together. As the name “trust” is now widespread in education due to the expansion of multi-academy trusts, this new name should give greater clarity to the exact purpose of the charity.
  • A new Meadowhead Together Employer Forum for working with business and local organizations and a removal of the requirement for businesses to pay to formally join as a member.
  • A new governance set up with a board of trustees to manage the activities of the charity. 
  • Following the resignation of Maureen Neil, Chair of the MCLT on Monday 9th October 2023, after thirteen years of distinguished service, we are also looking to appoint a new chair of the charity.

Full details of these key changes are in the letter at the foot of this page.

These changes will be discussed at the annual general meeting of the Meadowhead Community Learning Trust on Monday 11th December to be held at Meadowhead School.

Everyone connected to the Trust, whether current or previous attendees are welcome to attend, and you may even be interested in submitting your nomination as the Chair. If you cannot attend but would like to provide feedback on the proposals, please contact Maddie Udall at or call 0114 237 2723 ext. 518