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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Women in Engineering, Science & Technology - Y7 Careers Talk

On Friday 9th June, a group of Y7 girls were joined by firefighter and former student, Claire Holmes, for a careers talk.

The talk was set up by Liz Kettle from WEST (Women in Engineering, Science & Technology), an organisation that encourages girls to consider the widest range of career options, including those that are traditionally considered male jobs.       (about WEST)

The students saw posters and videos introducing a range of female role models, then heard about Claire’s journey, her job and her inspirations. The students took the opportunity to ask Claire lots of questions about being a firefighter.

We hope the students were encouraged to broaden their career aspirations for the future.

Thanks to Claire, Liz and WEST for a fantastic careers talk.