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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Year 7s have the Bookbuzz!

Our Year 7s were delighted to receive their free Bookbuzz book last week, each student having chosen from a list of 17 titles.  We subscribe to this scheme from Booktrust each year, to foster a love of reading and to encourage discussions about the stories and information.  We look forward to seeing their entries in our Bookbuzz Competition at the end of January #lovereading #Bookbuzz

y7s have the bookbuzz

y7s have the bookbuzz

y7s have the bookbuzz

y7s have the bookbuzz

y7s have the bookbuzz

y7s have the bookbuzz


We encourage everyone to visit the Booktrust website BookTrust: Getting children reading  where there is lots to explore, including new books highlighted each month and the brilliant Bookfinder (Bookfinder: find children's books for every age ) - filter by age and genre to get great suggestions for the next read.