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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

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  • 07/03/24

    Meadowhead Together Forum

    Meadowhead Together Forum in association with 'See It Be It' in Sheffield In support of the Sheffield City Goals, join us to discover more about the launch of this City wide campaign on 24th April 2024 8:30 - 10:30 (breakfast will be provided) at Meadowhead School, Dyche Lane, S8 8BR...
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  • 05/03/24

    KoothTalks - webinars to support your child manage exam stress

    Kooth is a mental health service and they have arranged a 45 minute virtual training session on how you can support your child to manage exam stress.   This will be particularly helpful for parents/carers of students in Y10/Y11/Y12/Y13 The training will cover the following...
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  • 01/03/24

    Get ready for World Book Day 2024

    All students in Y7-11 will receive a £1 World Book Day token in form time, which they can use in shops to exchange for the free World Book Day book (most supermarkets) or they can use it in this month’s Scholastic Book Club to get £1 off a book of their choice. Bookshops such as...
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  • 29/02/24

    Futures Week 2024

    All week, students have been thinking about possibilities for their future, with form-time activities and our Futures Fair.  In form, students have been looking at Goal Setting (self improvement is a key employability skill), What Could Be (what aspects of work motivate you, what the positives...
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  • 26/02/24

    'Roundabout' workshop with Y10s

    In Ethics, we recently welcomed two guest speakers – Will and Lydia from the Sheffield based homeless charity ‘Roundabout’. The interactive session involved Y10 students discussing the visibility of homelessness in society and the factors that can contribute it. Students engage...
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  • 26/02/24

    Iceland 2024

    On the last day before the February half term holiday, the geography department A level Iceland visit departed safely, despite a fissure eruption on Iceland and the snap cold weather in the UK threatening to make things a little more uneasy then usual! Luckily neither got in their way and on th...
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  • 26/02/24

    Washington Trip 2024

    Our Y13 Historians had an amazing 5 day trip to Washington DC, USA during the February half-term holiday! This trip helps students to further their understanding of American history and politics for their study of the A Level unit, "In search of the American Dream." Students had a...
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  • 23/02/24

    Join our Creative Writing Community

    All our KS3 students have been working on their entry for this year’s Everyone A Writer competition in their English lessons. They have produced written work inspired by the theme “Proud” and have explored concepts such as cultural pride, their role models and their own personal ac...
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  • 23/02/24

    Frontline History

    History students in Y10 received a WW1 Battlefield Medicine workshop from 'Frontline Living History'. This workshop was designed to support teaching and learning of the Edexcel ‘Medicine Through Time’ historic environment study: The British sector of the Western Front, 1914...
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  • 21/02/24

    Macbeth comes to Meadowhead

    Our Y10 students experienced a live performance of Macbeth when the Quantum Theatre Company visited school on 21st February. This was a great opportunity to see the play on stage, and Y10 will study this play for their GCSE in English Literature - an invaluable experience organised by the En...
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  • 20/02/24

    Measles Information from Sheffield Public Health

    We have been asked by the Sheffield Public Health team to share the information letter below with parents / carers regarding measles. It covers some of the key information on measles, including symptoms to look out for and what to do if their child has come into contact with a measles case...
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  • 09/02/24

    Diamond Award Celebration - February 2024

    During the last week of half term we enjoyed celebrating students in Y8-Y11 who have received their Diamond and Double Diamond Awards! This event is all about recognizing students hard work, effort, talent and good deeds – as a school, we strive to ensure these never go unnoticed. In par...
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