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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

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  • 02/05/24

    Y10 Mock Interviews

    Y10 Mock Interviews this week were a huge success. A massive thank you to the employers who gave up their time to support our young people as they consider what the future could look like – it wouldn’t be possible without them! We also celebrate how proud we are of our students for do...
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  • 02/05/24

    NextGen Leaders Celebration

    On Wednesday 24th April our Y12 students; Molly, Heidi, Gabby, Lola, Beth, Katie, and Alice, who are part of the Sustainabag group went to Leeds to take part in the annual Nextgen Leaders Celebration event. As well as presenting their Sustainabag project on the main stage to other competing schoo...
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  • 02/05/24

    Voices of the Holocaust

    In April, Y9 students were fortunate to experience a production from the Voices of the Holocaust, which told the story of a Hungarian survivor of the Holocaust. It was a meaningful and moving experience, which we hope the students learned from being able to witness a survivor story.  Foll...
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  • 01/05/24

    Flame. – a news magazine by our student journalists is launched

    We are delighted to see the return of a student-led publication to Meadowhead. With the support of Ms Giblin from the English Faculty, the first issue of Flame. was launched in form time on 1st May, with articles about Sheffield’s music history and the representation of women in sport. If s...
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  • 30/04/24

    Make A Difference Awards

    We are delighted to announce a new awards event: the Make A Difference Awards will take place at the end of the summer term to celebrate achievement at Meadowhead School and Sixth Form. The awards event will focus on areas of school life not currently covered by our existing celebration events an...
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  • 25/04/24

    Summer Programme 2024

    We have an exciting programme of community events taking place during our summer term, with each one taking place at Meadowhead School - please take a look below:
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  • 24/04/24

    Meadowhead School and Sixth Form and Sheffield Council launch new employer campaign

    On Wednesday morning, 23rd April, our school worked with #SeeItBeItSheff, part of Sheffield City Council, to launch a new programme to encourage employers to work with Sheffield schools. Around 70 employers joined us in the assembly hall to hear from business leaders, students and teachers about...
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  • 22/04/24

    History students visit Hampton Court

    Y13 History students went for a visit to Hampton Court to help them develop their understanding of the Tudor period and government in preparation for their A Level exam on Tudor Rebellions. Hampton Court was the favourite home of Henry VIII and was the site of many key events including the birth...
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  • 22/04/24

    Y12 Work Experience

    Just before Easter, Year 12 students at Meadowhead School spent a fantastic week gaining work experience at a wide range of organisations, including Universities, hospitals, schools, charities, and local businesses from letting agents to engineers, and from beauty salons to gene therapists.
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  • 22/04/24

    'Two households, both alike in dignity...'

    On the last day of spring term, 46 Y11 students travelled down to London to watch a performance of Romeo and Juliet, one of our GCSE texts, at the iconic and world-famous Globe Theatre, on the banks of the River Thames in central London.  It was an energetic and engaging performance, set in...
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  • 22/04/24

    Community Support Event

    Wednesday 24th April 2024 Come along and join us in our sixth form centre from 13:00 - 15:00 for free tea, coffee and cake! Chat to local community and support groups, and have a go at the free tombola.  There will also be a stock of pre-loved uniform to choose from. Organisations who...
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  • 18/04/24

    Meadowhead students elected to Sheffield Youth Cabinet

    Congratulations to former Bradway pupil, Emily (Y11), and former Abbey Lane pupils, Ethan (Y11) and Bea (Y9), who have been elected as Youth Cabinet representatives for Sheffield South. It is fantastic to again see Meadowhead students holding city-wide office and making a difference beyond the sc...
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