Frequently Asked Questions
Year 6/7 Transition
We have included below some of the questions new Year 7 students and parents often ask around starting at Meadowhead. We hope that the questions below answer most of the queries you may have but please do contact us if there is anything further you would like to ask.
1. What do I do if I get lost?
There will always be older students and staff around to help you. You can do the following things:
- Ask somebody to help you.
- Head towards the wide end of the corridor into the Rosling, this will help you navigate your way.
2. What do I do if I forget my equipment?
Speak to your Form Tutor, Pastoral Manager or Head of Year and they will support you with this.
3. Where do we eat our lunch?
Outside or in the Café Ole.
4. How long do we get for our lunch?
30 minutes.
5. How long do we get for our break?
15 minutes.
6. How many lessons are there in a day?
There are 5 lessons in a day.
7. What time does school start?
You must be on site for 8:35am at the latest. The doors open at 8.25am.
8. What time do we finish school?
School finishes at 2:45pm.
9. What do I do if I have a disagreement or fall out with my friends?
Speak to your Pastoral Manager.
10. What do I do if I don’t understand my classwork/homework?
Speak to your class teacher, be honest. Put your hand up or wait to speak to your teacher at the end of lesson if possible to ask for advice. You can always speak to your Pastoral Manager or Head of Year.
11. What happens in lessons if I have Special Educational Needs?
We will have gained information from your Year 6 teachers about your SEN needs and your teachers will be aware of how to support you in the best way possible.
12. What happens if I forget to do my homework?
Be honest and speak to your teachers, they will always work with you to support you and ensure that you complete homework and understand what is expected.
13. What happens if I am late arriving at school?
If you are late, you will receive a late slip on the entrance to school. If you are late 3 times in a week you will be given a punctuality detention, which takes place after school. You and your parents/carers will be given advanced notification of this.
14. Do we have assemblies?
Yes, you will have assemblies, either in the Main Hall or very occasionally in your classroom via the interactive whiteboard.
17. Are there any after-school or sports clubs?
Yes, we have lots to choose from. Some of these activities include; Football, Basketball, Athletics, Netball, Table Tennis, Rugby, Debating, Chess, Language Club, Homework Club and Student Parliament/Cabinet.
18. Which language will my child be doing?
The language your child takes will depend on their Tutor Group:
Tutor Group A, B, C, D - German
Tutor Group E, F, G, H - French
Tutor Group I, J, K, L - Spanish