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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

KS4 Science Y10/11

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Key stage 4 Combined Science Trilogy Foundation and Higher (Year 10)

Please make sure you are choosing the knowledge organiser in the correct column for you (Combined Foundation/Combined Higher)

Year 10 Combined Foundation Combined Higher
Term 1

P3 particle model of matter

B3a Infection and Response

C3 Quantitative Chemistry

P3 particle model of matter

B3a Infection and Response

C3 Quantitative Chemistry

Assessment 1

Biology assessment:

B3a (unit studied this year) communicable disease

B1 (call back on a Y9 unit) Cell Biology

Chemistry assessment:

C3 (unit studied this year) Quantitative chemistry

C1 (call back on a Y9 unit) Atomic structure and the periodic table

Physics assessment:

P3 (unit studied this year) particle model of matter

P1 (call back on a Y9 unit) Energy

Biology assessment:

B3a (unit studied this year) communicable disease

B1 (call back on a Y9 unit) Cell Biology

Chemistry assessment:

C3 (unit studied this year) Quantitative chemistry

C1 (call back on a Y9 unit) Atomic structure and the periodic table

Physics assessment:

P3 (unit studied this year) particle model of matter

P1 (call back on a Y9 unit) Energy

Term 2

B3b INFECTION AND RESPONSE: preventing and treating diseases and health issues

B5 Homeostasis and Response

C4b Electrolysis

C5 Energy Change

P4 Atomic Structure 

P5a Forces : the basics

B3b INFECTION AND RESPONSE: preventing and treating diseases and health issues

B5 Homeostasis and Response

C4b Electrolysis

C5 Energy Change

P4 Atomic Structure

P5a Forces : the basics

Assessment 2

Biology assessment:

B3b (unit studied this year)

B2 (call back on a Y9 unit) Organisation

Chemistry assessment:

C4b (unit studied this year) electrolysis

C2 (call back on a Y9 unit)

Physics assessment:

P4 (unit studied this year)

P2 (call back on a Y9 unit)

Biology assessment:

B3b (unit studied this year)

B2 (call back on a Y9 unit) Organisation

Chemistry assessment:

C4b (unit studied this year) electrolysis

C2 (call back on a Y9 unit)

Physics assessment:

P4 (unit studied this year)

P2 (call back on a Y9 unit)

Term 3

B7a: Ecology

C6 Rate of Reaction

C7a Crude Oil

P5b – Forces: motion

B7a: Ecology

C6 Rate of Reaction

C7a Crude Oil

P5b – Forces: motion


Mock exam – full paper 1 consisting of content from the following units:

B1a CELL BIOLOGY: Cell structure and transport

B1b CELL BIOLOGY: Cell division

B2a ORGANISATION: The human digestive system

B2b ORGANISATION: Organising animals and plants

B3a INFECTION AND RESPONSE: communicable disease

B3b INFECTION AND RESPONSE: preventing and treating diseases and health issues


C1a Atomic Structure

C1b Periodic Table

C2 Bonding

C3 Quantitative Chemistry

C4a Chemical Changes

C4b Electrolysis

C5 Energy Change

P1a Energy : stores and transfers

P1b Energy: Heat transfers

P1c Energy : resources

P2a Electricity : circuits

P2b Electricity : in the home (foundation)     P2b Electricity : in the home (higher)

P3 Particle Model of Matter (foundation)    P3 Particle Model of Matter  (higher)

P4 Atomic structure  (foundation)                P4 Atomic structure  (higher)


Key stage 4 Combined Science Trilogy Foundation and Higher (Year 11)

Please make sure you are choosing the knowledge organiser in the correct column for you (Combined Foundation/Combined Higher)

Year 11 Combined Foundation Combined Higher
Term 1

B7b: Ecology

C8 – Analysis

C9 – Atmosphere

C10a Earth's Resources

P6a – Waves: properties

B7b: Ecology

C8 – Analysis

C9 – Atmosphere

C10a Earth's Resources

P6a – Waves: properties


Mock exam – full paper 1 consisting of content from the following units:

B1a CELL BIOLOGY: Cell structure and transport

B1b CELL BIOLOGY: Cell division

B2a ORGANISATION: The human digestive system

B2b ORGANISATION: Organising animals and plants

B3a INFECTION AND RESPONSE: communicable disease

B3b INFECTION AND RESPONSE: preventing and treating diseases and health issues


C1a Atomic Structure

C1b Periodic Table

C2 Bonding

C3 Quantitative Chemistry

C4a Chemical Changes

C4b Electrolysis

C5 Energy Change

P1a Energy : stores and transfers

P1b Energy: Heat transfers

P1c Energy : resources

P2a Electricity : circuits

P2b Electricity : in the home

P3 Particle Model of Matter

P4 Atomic structure

Term 2

B6a Reproduction

B6b Variation and evolution

P6b – Waves: EM spectrum

P7 Magnetism and electromagnetism

B6a Reproduction

B6b Variation and evolution

P6b – Waves: EM spectrum

P7 Magnetism and electromagnetism


Mock exam – consisting of the following content from paper 2:




B7a ECOLOGY: Adaptations, interdependence, Competition

B7b ECOLOGY: Biodiversity

C6 Rate of Reaction

C7 Crude Oil

C8 Chemical Analysis

C9 Atmosphere

C10 Earth's Resources

P5a Forces : The basics

P5b Forces : Motion

P5c Forces : Newtons Laws

P6a Waves : properties

P6b Waves : Elelectromagnetic spectrum

P7 Magnetism and electromagnetism

Term 3

Revision of all topics in preparation for final examinations