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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Religious Education

Religious Education

Religious Education is taught at Meadowhead as part of the Ethics curriculum. Most weeks students will study Religious Studies for one of their two hours of Ethics lessons. Families do have the right to withdraw students for the religious element of the Ethics curriculum. Please discuss this with your child’s Ethics teacher in the first instance. Families would be expected to provide their own resources for their child to use in a separate classroom during the withdrawal from lessons.

Religious Studies (Y10 -Y11)

Religious Studies challenges students with questions about belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth, enabling them to develop their own attitudes towards religious issues.

Students will also gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture and influences attitudes on a variety of topical issues.

Religious identities inspire individuals and communities as they take action in the world. Some actions are positive; providing help to those in need, or providing a sense of community to those who adhere to the religion. Other actions are negative; violence against rivals or intolerance for others. These actions, positive and negative, are rooted in how religious beliefs influence people to see the world, and how it influences them to act. Religious Studies allows us to see the similarities and differences between world views, and with our own. If we develop an understanding of these beliefs and practices we can come to understand how and why different religious groups see the world differently, how and why individuals and groups often act in the way that they do.


Please click on the blue hyperlinks to access topic Knowledge Organisers.

  Year 10 Year 11
Term 1

Study of religion: Introduction to Islam

Study of religion: The life of Jesus (Christianity)

Thematic studies: Religion, peace and conflict

Study of religion: Christian beliefs

Thematic studies: Relationships and families

Assessment Exam style questions on Islamic beliefs and practices, Christian beliefs and practices, and Religion, peace and conflict Trial exam – Christian beliefs, Sikh practices, Relationships and families, and Religion, peace and conflict.
Term 2

Study of religion: The Sunni / Shi’a split (Islam)

Study of religion: The life of Jesus (Christianity)

Thematic studies: Religion, crime and punishment.

Study of religion: Christian practices

Thematic studies: Religion and life

Assessment Exam style questions on Islamic beliefs and practices, Christian beliefs and practices, and Religion, crime and punishment Exam style questions on Christian practices, and Religion and life
Term 3

Study of religion: The nature of God in Islam

Study of religion: The nature of God in Christianity

Thematic studies: Religion and life

Thematic studies: Religion and life

Revision for GCSE exams
Assessment Trial exam: Christian beliefs, Islamic beliefs, Religion, peace and conflict, and Religion, crime and punishment. Exam style questions to aid revision

All Knowledge Organisers are at the foot of this page as PDF documents