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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust


For effective teaching and active learning to be at the heart of Meadowhead, there needs to be a happy, secure, well-ordered and safe working environment.

Promoting positive behaviour requires the commitment of all members of the school community, students, parents, governors and staff. It requires consistency and fairness of practice across the school to ensure that all students know the standards of behaviour that are expected of them.

As part of a positive, “can do” ethos we seek to promote good behaviour through rewards supported by the appropriate use of targeted sanctions.

Please see the documents at the foot of this page for our full 'Behaviour Policy' and 'Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy' 

You can also read a summary of our Rewards and Sanctions via the menu on the right.

The following policies form part of the Behaviour Policy but are policies in their own right and should be read with the Behaviour Policy:
Child Protection/Safeguarding
Dress Code.