Results 2016
Y13 celebrate record A level results
(please scroll down for a comprehensive table of results by subject)
Meadowhead sixth formers received their A level results on Thursday 18th August 2016. While there were some inevitable nerves before students found out their results, there were smiles all round once the envelopes were opened, as our students celebrated record results. The sixth form team and many other members of the teaching staff were delighted to be able to celebrate our Y13s’ fantastic achievements, while also providing support and guidance where necessary. Our specialist careers adviser, Cerys Evans, was also available to provide expert knowledge on progression routes.
Overall, the results were fantastic – almost half of all entries achieved grade B or higher, with over 75% of entries achieving at least a C. The grades reflect the hard work and perseverance of our students, assisted by excellent teaching in our small sixth form groups, comprehensive support from the highly dedicated sixth form team, and the contributions of all staff in school. The sixth form goes from strength to strength, and we want to congratulate all of our students on their efforts throughout their time here. Many of our students were waiting for universities to confirm their places through the UCAS system, and their success can be seen in the fact that no student needed to use clearing – of the students waiting for confirmation from universities today, every single one gained a place on either their firm or insurance choice, with the vast majority going to their first choice establishment. Other students have achieved places at Chesterfield College to do art foundation courses, apprenticeships, or employment – congratulations to all of our students.
Subjects with particularly impressive results include our celebrated Textiles course, with every student achieving at least a grade B and over half achieving an A or A*. Our mathematicians performed superbly, with 4 students achieving a coveted A* grade and 95% of students achieving a grade C or above, while half of our Further Maths students achieved grade A and 75% at least grade B. There were a number of subjects in which all students achieved at least a grade C, including Art, Geography, German, ICT and Physics. Our BTEC students also achieved highly: 100% of BTEC Business and BTEC Science students achieved Distinction*, the highest possible grade; in BTEC Sport, every student achieve d at least a Distinction, with 75% achieving Distinction*.
We are proud of all of our students’ achievements, but some warrant special mention: our student president, Lewis Elliott, will be going to the University of Sheffield to study History and Politics with his fantastic results of History A*, English Literature A* and Geography A. Joining him at Sheffield, studying Maths, will be Molly Marshall Ridley, (Maths A*, Further Maths A, ICT A, Physics B); Kiera Luke (Maths A*, Further Maths B, Philosophy & Ethics B); and Becky Morris, with an A* in Maths and A in Further Maths. Also at Sheffield, Serena Dewar will be studying English Literature after achieving an A* in English Literature, A in Philosophy & Ethics and B in History.
Scott Vardy will be studying Maths at Leeds University (Maths A*, Geography A, Chemistry B), while Bronte Hobson gained a place at York St John to study Drama and Theatre by achieving Distinction* in BTEC Performing Arts, A* in Philosophy & Ethics and A in English Literature. Jorja Holmes gained an A* in Textiles and an A in Maths, and will be studying Biomedical Science at the University of Sheffield, while Chiara Tolley will be joining her at Sheffield to study English and Philosophy after her fantastic results, including an A* in Sociology. Well done also to Erin Spearing (Biology A, Psychology A, Maths B), Jake Rodgers (BTEC Sport D*, Business B, ICT B), Helen Mottram (Psychology A, Spanish B, German B), James Delaney (Chemistry A, Biology B, Maths B) and Abigail Biggs (Bs in English Literature, English Language and Philosophy & Ethics).
Well done again to everyone in the year group. We are incredibly proud of all of your achievements and we look forward to welcoming students and their families to the A level certificate presentation evening on 3rd January 2017.
The table below shows the final A-level results for subjects taught at Meadowhead School. Overall the students achieved a 97.9% pass rate.
Qualification |
A*-B% |
A*-C% |
A*-E % |
Art |
83.3 |
100 |
100 |
Art Textiles |
100 |
100 |
10 |
Biology |
16.7 |
41.7 |
83.3 |
Business Studies |
22.2 |
55.6 |
100 |
Chemistry |
33.3 |
77.8 |
100 |
English Literature |
53.3 |
66.7 |
100 |
English Language |
15.4 |
76.9 |
100 |
Ethics & Philosophy |
64.3 |
85.7 |
93.3 |
French |
0 |
50 |
100 |
Further Maths |
75 |
100 |
100 |
Geography |
50 |
100 |
100 |
German |
100 |
100 |
100 |
History |
42.9 |
71.4 |
100 |
50 |
100 |
100 |
Maths |
63.2 |
94.7 |
100 |
Physics |
40 |
100 |
100 |
Product Design |
0 |
33.3 |
100 |
Psychology |
12.5 |
37.5 |
100 |
Sociology |
54.5 |
81.8 |
100 |
Spanish |
20 |
60 |
100 |
2015 |
2016 |
% Students achieving 2+ A-level passes |
98.6 |
100 |
% Students achieving 3+ A-level passes |
84.5 |
87.1 |
2016 | |
All subjects (includes vocational) grade average | C |
A Level grade average | C |
Student retention (percentage of those who get to the end of their study programme) | 95% |