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Geography Resources
British Geological Survey - The British Geological Survey is a world-leading geological survey and global geoscience organisation, focused on public-good science for government and research to understand earth and environmental processes.
Time for Geography - Time for Geography brings together a unique community of geographers, film-makers and educators, with experience from across the spectrum of geography.
World Mapper - Worldmapper is a collection of world maps called cartograms, where territories are resized on each map according to the subject of interest. Our range of maps is continuously extended and updated. Explore the world as you’ve never seen it before!
Ask the Geographer - explore different areas of Geography with podcasts by Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Schools
Costing the Earth Podcast - this BBC Radio 4 programme explores fresh ideas from the sharpest minds working towards a cleaner, greener planet
National Geographic is a magazine which explores lots of different areas of the world around us
Books - click here for the book list
Future Learn Courses https://www.futurelearn.com/courses
What is International Development?
Valuing Nature: Should We Put a Price on Ecosystems?
Tipping Points: Climate Change and Society
Uni of Reading – Come Rain or Shine, Understanding the weather
Global Studies and International Relations
Concepts in Sustainable Development – University of Leicester
Geography MOOC courses - https://www.unifrog.org/student/moocs/long-list
Field Studies Council (videos about different types of fieldwork)
Career prospects- Geography - A degree in Geography opens up a plethora of avenues in terms of career choice. Current students and alumni from the School of Geography and the Environment answer the most commonly asked questions, and give a taste of what being a Geography student at Oxford is really like, so you can decide whether studying here might be for you.