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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Y11s mark the end of their exams

On Wednesday 26th June, in one of our school’s longest standing traditions, Y11 students marked the end of exams with their Record of Achievement event.

After receiving their Record of Achievement folders and yearbook, students gathered with the whole school staff in the assembly hall to hear speeches and a special devised performance.

Ms Foster thanked the year group for their excellent attitude over the last five years, and especially during the exam period, and Mrs Grewal-Joy spoke of making the most of every opportunity in the future. The piece “A Day in the Life”, devised and performed by Y11 drama students, gently satirised the rhythms and routines of our school day and the idiosyncrasies of each subject, as well as celebrating the contributions made by teaching and support staff.

After the formalities were over, students were “clapped out” by Meadowhead staff and the tee shirt signing and photographs began. We look forward to seeing the year group again at the Prom on Friday evening, 28th June 2024


Y11s receive their ROA folders

Y11s look at their year book

y11 formal celebration in the hall

y11s sign t shirts

class of 2024

y11 students receive round of applause

y11s enjoying socialising and taking photos

class of 2024