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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Congratulations on your University Offers

Our fantastic Y13s have been receiving their university offers, and we say very well done and congratulations to them all!



 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations Daniel"

Congratulations to Daniel, who has accepted an offer to study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nottingham

 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations Alice"

Congratulations to Alice, who has accepted an offer to study Archaeology at the University of York.

 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations Isaac "

Congratulations to Isaac, who has received an offer to study PPE at the University of Oxford.


 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations Isaac "

Congratulations to Isaac, who has received an offer to study Chemistry at the University of Oxford.

 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations Eve"

Congratulations to Eve, who has received an offer to study Paramedic Science with Integrated Masters at Keele University.

 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations Sam"

Congratulations to Sam, who has accepted an offer to study Aerospace Engineering at Nottingham Trent University.


 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations James"

Congratulations to James, who has accepted an offer to study Spanish and German at the University of Oxford

 image of y13 and text that says "Congratulations Charlie"

Congratulations to Charlie, who has accepted an offer to study Zoology with Animal Management at Bangor University.