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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Discussion of Conflict - Israel and Palestine

During the last two weeks, Meadowhead students have received a presentation in assembly from Mr Sheppard, Assistant Headteacher, that gave advice about discussing the topic, learnt about the origins of the conflict from their history teacher, and have received the latest information as part of this week’s In the News form time slot.

The assembly sessions began with the words of Choman Hardi, Kurdish poet: “this is the day for love”, and shaped by that sentiment, in each session, we have sought to provide a safe and calm space to understand more about the conflict and to share their own feelings. Each session has begun with clear ground-rules to ensure every student feels able to participate.

 We thank our students for their mature and sensitive attitudes during these sessions as we seek to help them make sense of issues from around the world.

For those students who wish to discuss the conflict further, Mr Lawrenson (Ethics) and Ms Ameen (History) are offering a drop in after-school on Mondays in H08, while Meadowhead Against Racism will discuss the school’s approach on Thursday 7th December (all welcome after getting their present mark from their form tutor).

Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact the respective year team if they would like their child to attend either meeting.