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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

HEPP Event for Y10 Parents and Carers - Options after Y11

 Thursday 29 June 2023 from 5pm – 6pm.

To register please follow the following link:  Parent and Carers - Options after Y11


Hepp is an impartial organisation working across the South Yorkshire and North East Derbyshire to encourage more children, young people and adults to consider higher education opportunities.

Their next event is specifically for parents, carers, and students to hear about options after Y11, and is applicable to parents and carers of secondary aged students with a focus for Y10 onwards.

This is an online 30 minute information session, where Hepp will explain what the difference is between BTECs, A Levels and T Levels and the routes into higher education. They will discuss the different options available to your young person and how to support your young person with their Post 16 options.

You will hear from Hepp student and parent ambassadors who will share their experiences and what they found useful. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions.