Arrangements for September 2021- Return to School
Please read the letter from Mrs Grewal-Joy below, which details the arrangements, including Covid-19 safety measures and a staggered start to the term. We also have a reminder of the school uniform requirements.
Copies of all letters sent home are on our Letters Page (under the Parent tab).
You will have heard that schools are being asked to test all students on their return to school from the 6th September, 2021.
All students will be offered 2 tests, 3 to 5 days apart during the first week of opening. If you have already provided consent earlier in the year, then no further action is required. If you would now like to provide your consent, then please click here to give your consent for Asymptomatic Testing of your child in September
(ipad users - download a copy of the letter below here )
Letter regarding Asymptomatic testing for students on returning to school is below:
(ipad users - download a copy of the letter here)
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