Remote Learning at Meadowhead - January 2021
At Meadowhead School we are using Microsoft Teams to teach live lessons during the current lockdown and we are so proud of the way our students have adapted to this way of learning.
Both the students who are at home and those who are key workers' children in school are following their normal school timetable, with the day starting at 8.35am and Form Time, where key messages are shared in the daily student bulletin.
During a live lesson, students are able to listen to their teacher, use the 'raise their hand' function to ask questions, and complete and upload work to ClassCharts. We have produced the guidance on remote learning below and there is also a short video on how to create a positive study space at home.
We would also like to thank all the parents who have sent us some very positive feedback - it means a lot to our staff to hear it!
Top tips on how to create a positive study space at home
"Listening to the lessons this morning (as I type this whilst my daughter is in "virtual Chemistry"), it’s really obvious that a huge amount of work has gone into the presentations from a teaching preparation as well as the obvious IT perspective. To do this at such short notice would be difficult under any circumstances but it's easy to forget that teachers have their own lives and families too and are affected by the Pandemic as much as anyone else." Parent of Y10 student
“I know it must have been a really busy and very tough week in school! I feel for you all but I have to say that you have all done an amazing job. Please pass on our thanks to everyone – feedback from all the parents I have spoken to (and the comments I have seen on Facebook groups) has been full of praise for Meadowhead and everyone involved at the school”. Parent of Y7 and Y10 students.
"I just wanted to quickly express our appreciation and gratitude for all the hard work and effort of the staff in delivering the remote lessons. As a teacher myself, I know it has been challenging to adapt to online teaching and I have to say I have been really impressed with Meadowhead's efficiency, creativity and, to be honest, just the effort and enthusiasm of the staff. I have only caught moments of lessons here and there but the school seems to be doing a great job and that is a view I have heard from other parents too." Parent of Y10 and Y7 students.
There is also a guide to live lessons and links for getting support on our dedicated Remote Learning page and we would like to take this opportunity to also remind you of our 'Wellbeing' section, packed full of resources to support both parents and students - including this latest video with top tips for parents: