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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Letter from Sheffield City Council for Parents and Carers 10.06.20

Please read the letter below from Cllr Mohamed regarding the wider opening of schools, academies and childcare settings in Sheffield.


letter to parents from sheffield city council header

Dear parents and carers

I wrote to you on 29th  May to explain that we had decided to delay the wider opening of schools, 
academies and childcare settings until 15th  June. Sheffield City Council has, throughout the 
COVID-19 pandemic, put the health, safety and well-being of our citizens at the forefront of all 
our decisions. For this reason, we asked our schools and childcare settings to delay their wider 
opening until at least 15th  June.

Yesterday we received updated advice from Sheffield’s Director of Public Health, Greg Fell.  He  
has  advised  that  good  progress  has  been  made  towards  addressing  the concerns he 
previously outlined. In particular, there is evidence that the national “test and  trace”  system,  
recently  introduced,  is  in  place  and  is  working  effectively  in Sheffield. Other key 
indicators, including infection rates, also continue to improve. In considering all of this he has 
advised that he is satisfied that schools and childcare settings can begin to open more widely, in 
a planned and measured way, from 15th June.

Wider opening is an important step to ensuring that more children get back to school and, in turn, 
that parents and carers can return to work. However, we must remember that  the  measures  needed  
to  make  sure  that  this  is  safe,  also  limit  the  number  of children  who  can  attend  at  
any  one  time.  Each  school  and  childcare  setting  has calculated the number of children that 
can be safely accommodated. Some of our schools  are  already  at  full  capacity.  This  has  been 
 recognised  by  the  government yesterday in their announcement that all schools are not going to 
be fully open before the autumn term.

Schools and childcare providers will need to make careful, but sometimes difficult, decisions about 
bringing in additional children. Each school and childcare setting will continue to work at their 
own pace in making these decisions. Please be patient. As usual, please also check with your 
child’s school before sending your child in. Children who remain at home will continue to be 
supported in their learning.

Wider  opening  for  special  schools  and  integrated  resources  is  different  from mainstream 
schools as they are not being asked to open by specific year group, but to open more widely. This 
means that it will feel more like a gradual expansion of numbers in those schools. Schools will 
continue to work with families to make the decision  about  how  each  child  will  return  by  
assessing  their  need  alongside  the school’s  capacity  to  keep  children  and  staff  safe  in 
 line  with  guidance  from


The education and childcare sectors in Sheffield have done us proud throughout this most difficult 
period. I thank each and every education and childcare worker who has made  such  a  valuable  
contribution  to  the  national  effort,  and  in  particular  for  the support that they have 
provided to the children, young people and citizens of Sheffield.

The wider opening next week is important but is just the first step in a much longer process. We 
all need to remain vigilant against the spread of COVID-19. In schools this will mean children 
working in tight groups, known as “social bubbles”. It will also mean that hygiene routines and 
social distancing continue to be vital in managing the pandemic.

Ours is a cautious approach. We will continue to rigorously monitor the number of children  
attending  across  the  city,  and  colleagues  in  Public  Health  will  continue  to monitor  
infection  rates  and  the  progress  of  the  pandemic  itself.  We  have  seen  a remarkable 
collaborative approach taken in the City to support children and young people and it more important 
than ever that that continues throughout this next phase.”

We will carefully keep this under review. Our overall priority remains focused on the health and 
wellbeing of our children and staff. Thank you for your support during this very difficult time.

Yours sincerely


Cllr Abtisam Mohamed

Cabinet Member for Education and Skills

Sheffield City Council